Sunday, March 20, 2016

03 March , 2016


Hey fellas! This is my first post on my blog, i actually have no ideas about what to share or what to post. LOL. So, let me just tell you guys about why i'm choosing "Outfit Ideas" as my blog name. Hereee it goes...

You guys that ever tried to make a blog account clearly know about HOW DEPRESSED i am when i'm choosing the right name for my blog site. I've tried tons of name but they're already exist (unavailable). So i think, think and think but still got no idea for my blog address. Then, i tried to ask my friend opinion about what should it named but, still the address is already exist a g a i n. When i open my instagram, i stalk a lot of account and start liking some pictures, but then i found one account that posted about teenage outfit that really inspired me. I stalk that account, it seems really interesting, i love the outfit that they post randomly. Then, i open and insert "". I felt so happy that the address is available , YAY!

At first, i'm not really sure about what will i do with this blog. Maybe i will try to post some outfit ideas or how to mix-matched the outfit or my favorite outfit to wear or whatever that seems interesting for me, hehe. Soooo once again 


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