Thursday, June 2, 2016

RIchest Fashion Designer

Domenico Dolce 
  • Real Time Net Worth As of 6/2/16
  • $1.32 Billion
Source Of Wealth
Dolce & Gabbana, Self Made
Milan, Italy
Marital Status

As the 1367th Wealthiest person in the world (Source : Forbes) in 2016. Fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana launched their first abaya and hijab collection in early 2016, targeting the Middle East luxury market. The design firm is headquartered in Milan, but also owns branches in New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo. The Sicilian half of the fashion power-duo, Dolce was born into the world of fashion, but not into luxury. His father was a tailor near the city of Palermo in Sicily, while his mother sold fabrics and clothing at a store. He left for Milan, where he started studying at Istituto Marangoni, but dropped out early, believing that he knew everything they were trying to teach him. He met Gabbana while working as an assistant designer to Giorgio Correggiari. He eventually got Gabbana a job with Correggiari and assumed the role of mentor. By 1983, the pair had left Correggiari and were living together in Milan and in a relationship, working on freelance designs. Two years later they founded their design firm and a year after that the label made its runway debut at Milan Fashion Week. Known for their extravagant style and animal print designs, the designers' big break came in 1993 when Madonna selected them to design costumes for her Girlie tour, exposing their fashions to the masses. Even though their personal relationship ended in 2003, Dolce and Gabbana still design for the company and continue to share ownership.


The society of today tries very hard in order to present itself in a decent manner. Teen, and late pre-teen, years are by far some of the most stressful of years of ones lives. With hormones flying all over the place and mood swings, friends, and fashions changing practically by the hour, people will strive to fit in.
Mood dangles
The mood of the teens is a very unpredictable one and it may vary from day to day or even moment to moment from upbeat happiness to ill-humoured secession what might not be such a great issue as they think and for no reason. It is due to the changes in the hormones that they turn moody and could be distressful and even frustrating for the parents. In return the parents avoid the overreaction because they know that their kids do not intend to insult them and it is just due to the changes in hormones that one has turned moody.
Teens are frequently in deep in thought with them, a widespread feature of individuals in tension. They presume that everybody all over them is concentrated on them as well. Because of this heightened uncomfortableness, teenagers feel they are constantly “on stage,” and can use hours in front of a mirror dressing them. It is crucial for parents to see egoistic, not as neglect for others, but as a form of psychological self-protection.
Criticizing parents
Often the teens blame blood relation of being dispiritedly not in contact, out dated and antique. Teens are abysmally tender and easily humiliated by either the looks or the dress of their blood relations or whatever their parents say. Therefore they tend to be reluctant when they are with their parents anywhere outside their home. The parents need not to take it to the heart when the teens request to drop them way before the school. They tend to avoid their dependency towards parents and want to be self-dependent..
 Also the kids nowadays spend more times with their parents than it was earlier.
The teenagers of today indulge themselves in the risk factor and that has increased the concern in the minds of their parents. The teenagers of this era are involved in fast driving (also drink and drive), stealing cars from various locations, cross railway lines without any fear or for that matter destroy anyone’s personal property. It is said that boys will be boys and for that matter they act as a macho and do stuff that may attract many feminine eyes. On the other hand teenage girls too are involved in many rebellious acts such as staying out late night without the permission of their parents and also taking up drugs .
 According to Professor Colin Pritchard, Bournemouth University in the book `Breaking the Cycle of Educational Alienation’ published in 2005 “The bad news is that 20 years ago boys drugged, drank, smoked, truanted, stole, vandalised and fought more than girls. Today it is very different” (Bakalar & Empfield, 2001, pp 200-202). If the child is found guilty, it is not the fault of the parents as the kids must be responsible of their own actions. But it is the duty of the parents to keep them in check and support them at the time of their distress.
One of the major problems that the kids of today face is that they are addicted to the cigarettes and the other items that need to be banished, at the age of adolescence. The cigarettes are addictive because the active ingredient of it is nicotine. If one’s parent is indulged in smoking, give it up for the sake of kids. It is difficult for non-smoking homes to develop the habits of smoking. Sit down with kids and explain them how much can it addictive. Tell them how waste of money is the smoking habit. Keep on addressing the hazards to health (mostly the kids avoid this although they know it the most. Try not to force them to give up instead apply the need of discussion as an alternate. Encourage them to regularly ask questions. One of the main concern is that the kids or as a matter of fact the adults, get involved in smoking because they find it as a way to relieve stress. In case of this tell the kids the alternate ways of relaxing their minds.
Night Owl
Many teens in UK like to stay away from their homes all night long. This has become one of the biggest distresses for the parents. They always worry about because its better for kids to know the difference between what is right and what is wrong and what is safe and what is not. The parents should be in touch with the kids and keep them tracking of exactly where they are or what are they doing at the very moment. It will be easier to track them in case of emergencies. Reasonable rules utilised by the parents often makes the teenager co-operate with them. If this is not done, then the only solution is making use of the sanctions such as being grounded.
Drug Abuse
Drug abuse is one of the core issues of the youth and the teenagers of today. Teenagers make use of drug to find easy way out of the problems. They take drugs, as a solution to the failures they have faced at some point of time in their lives. By taking drugs the get on a high or shut out the real world 
Alcohol Abuse
Another issue that is in relation with the abuse of drugs is the alcohol abuse. The teenagers when see that the adults are drinking excessively they tend to get attracted and in process get the first taste of this abuse. It is important to keep on addressing them the hazards of drinking. According to 2004′s Nuffield funded study, since the last 25 years problems like lying, disobedience and stealing are on a rise because of the excessive use of alcohol and drugs.


Jawa barat adalah provinsi yang sangat besar dari bagian Negara Indonesia selain kesenian dan adat wilayah yang satu ini pun punya khas batik dari bagian daerah-daerahnya Antara lain.

1. Batik Ciamis 

      Batik ciamis mempunyai khas corak tidak terlalu ramai biasanya motif batik ciamis berupa daun dan parang rusak. Ciri yang paling dikenal dari adalah pada pengunaan warna, batik ciamis biasanya menggunakan dua warna berbeda misalnya coklat dan hitam dengan dasar kain berwarna putih.

      2. Batik Cirebon 

      Batik Cirebon mempunyai batik khas yang terkenal dan sekaligus menjadi ikon Cirebon adalah motif megamendung. Motif ini melambangkan awan pembawa hujan sebagai lambang kesuburan dan pemberi kehidupan. Sejarah motif ini berkaitan dengan sejarah kedatangan bangsa Cina di Cirebon, yaitu Sunan Gunung Jati yang menikah dengan wanita Tionghoa bernama Ong Tie. Motif ini memiliki gradasi warna yang sangat bagus dengan proses pewarnaan yang dilakukan sebanyak lebih dari tiga kali 

      3. Batik Garutan 

      Batik garutan mempunyai khas ragam hias datar dan bentuk geometris yang mengarah secara diagonal, bentuk kawung, atau belah ketupat. Batik garutan mempunyai nama khas seperti Rereng peteuy, Rereng kembang Corong, Rereng kembang Merak ngibing, Rereng pancul, limar, lereng adumanis,lereng suuk, sapu jagar, dll. 

      4. Batik Indramayu 

      Batik indramayu tidak kalah terkenalnya dari batik lainya, batik indramayu mempunyai batik adalan dan indentik dengan daerahnya adalah batik tulis complongan. Batik complongan Dikatakannya, batik Complongan berarti teknik melubangi kain batik dengan deretan jarum, keunikan batik tersebut menjadi daya tarik pasar Eropa dan Asia begitu juga untuk konsumen lokal cukup menggairahkan.

      5. Batik Sumedang 

      Batik Kasumedangan mempunyai banyak motif, dimana setiap motifnya mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri yaitu mulai dari mengisahkan warisan budaya yang ada di Sumedang sampai kondisi lingkungan setempat. Contoh dari motif-motif sumedang diantaranya Motif Mahkota Binokasih Sanghyang Pake, Motif Kesenian Kuda Renggong, Motif Kereta Kencana Naga Paksi, Motif, Monumen Lingga, dan Motif Daun Boled/Daun Ubi.

     6.  Batik Tasikmalaya 

     Batik tasikmalaya mempunyai beberapa motif batik terkenal diantaranya
        a. Batik Sukapura
            Batik Sukapura secara sepintas menyerupai batik Madura dengan ragam hias yang kontras dalam       ukuran motif dan warna.
        b. Batik Sawoan
            Batik Sawoan adalah batik yang didominasi warna coklat seperti buah sawo ditambah warna               indigo dan ornamen warna putih, mirip Batik Solo.
        c. Batik Tasik
            Sedangkan Batik Tasik memiliki ciri warna-warna yang cerah karena pengaruh dari batik                     pesisiran. Motif batik Tasikmalaya sangat kental dengan nuansa Parahyangan, seperti bunga               anggrek, burung, dan lain-lain.
        d. Batik Banten  
            Batik Banten adalah Batik yang berasal dari Provinsi Banten dan RI. Kearifan lokal yang tersisa         dari pusat kerajaan pemerintah Islam Kesultanan Banten, telah mewarisi berbagai benda-benda           kuno yang mempunyai ragam khas dan unik. Lewat warisan itu, masyarakat dapat mengukir               karya-karya unggulan sebagai bekal cipta anak cucu di tanah Banten. Batik Banten memilki ciri         yang khas dan unik karena di samping setiap motifnya bercerita sejarah, juga berasal dari benda-         benda peninggalan seperti gerabah dan nama-nama penembahan kerajaan Banten seperti                     Aryamandalika, Sabakingking, dan lain-lain.

3 Outstanding Traditional Costumes around the World


Almost all cultures have their own unique sets of costumes. These traditional costumes are basically the perception of a people in regards to how Mother Nature looks like in their eyes. All the traditional costumes have their own allure, but not all of traditional costumes got the best looks in most of people eyes. Well, here comes the best 3 of Traditional Costumes around the world.

Whirling dervishes


The Whirling Dervishers are a branch of the Mevlevi order which is part of the Sufi tradition in Islam. This order was founded by Celaleddin Mevlana Runi in 1273 and whirling is one way in which the Islamic ascetics (Sufis) get closer to Allah. These dancers, following the laws of nature, try to get in contact with a higher power never losing consciousness or reaching a state of ecstasy. Instead they try to get in harmony with all things around them.
The belief is that by spinning along with everything else, from the atoms in our bodies to entire galaxies in the universe, the Whirling Dervishers recognize their part in this world. They come ever closer to understanding and appreciating perfection through God, no longer judging and discriminating others by their beliefs, race or status.
The performance is done entirely by men, dressed in long white skirts. If you can witness such a religious and spiritual event, you should not applaud during the spectacle but if you insist, you can do so discreetly after the performers leave the stage.
Khulkha-lady-Mongolia-photo-Ethnoworld mongolia
     2. MONGOLIA
Nomadic life on the Mongolian steppes is hard. Quick changes in temperature, sand storms and the occasional blizzards would have us believe that people living in these harsh conditions have no time for fashion. Fortunately we would be mistaken because Mongolians do love to look good. They have somehow managed to combine both fads and versatility in their everyday clothes to the extent that intricate design can include hidden pockets and storing spaces.
The deel, which is the base of all Mongolian attire, can also be used as a blanket or tent, depending on the situation and weather, when out in the wilderness, herding sheep. A silk sash is always worn by both men and women. It is not simply an aesthetic accessory but can also hold a knife or pistol and on long horse rides can act as a cushion between saddle and rider.
bianchi3 sardinia
Last one is coming from Island or Sardinia. The Boe di Ottana Carnival takes place in the town of Ottana on the island of Sardinia. Predating Roman times, this custom represents the transformation of man into beast while herding oxen and goats months at a time in the wilderness of the island. Every year men dress up as oxen-like creatures (Sos Boes), wearing goat hides, many giant cowbells and wooden horned-masks “rioting” on the streets.
Meanwhile the peasants (Sos Merdules), whose faces are covered in black masks, try to “domesticate” and control them with sticks and ropes. On the last Sunday of the carnival the Merdules will offer everyone present a drink that nobody can refuse or both them and the Boes will attack the unwilling, mimicking a beating.

(source :

Sunday, March 20, 2016

03 March , 2016


Hey fellas! This is my first post on my blog, i actually have no ideas about what to share or what to post. LOL. So, let me just tell you guys about why i'm choosing "Outfit Ideas" as my blog name. Hereee it goes...

You guys that ever tried to make a blog account clearly know about HOW DEPRESSED i am when i'm choosing the right name for my blog site. I've tried tons of name but they're already exist (unavailable). So i think, think and think but still got no idea for my blog address. Then, i tried to ask my friend opinion about what should it named but, still the address is already exist a g a i n. When i open my instagram, i stalk a lot of account and start liking some pictures, but then i found one account that posted about teenage outfit that really inspired me. I stalk that account, it seems really interesting, i love the outfit that they post randomly. Then, i open and insert "". I felt so happy that the address is available , YAY!

At first, i'm not really sure about what will i do with this blog. Maybe i will try to post some outfit ideas or how to mix-matched the outfit or my favorite outfit to wear or whatever that seems interesting for me, hehe. Soooo once again 


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